October 31, 2009

A Good Photographer Makes A Difference

Having a great photographer is key for your wedding. Believe it or not, you will not be able to catch all of the special moments but a great photographer will. The look on your groom's face the very moment he sees you for the 1st time...Your grandmother wiping her tears during your vows...The smiles on your parent's face during your first dance...Your cousins' expressions during the Soul Train line. These are all moments that you will miss as they are happening but won't through pictures taken at the right time. And when they are all combined, they will tell the story of your special day in a way you never thought of.

One of the best photographers in Atlanta that is able to do this is Sky + Carla. Not only are they able to capture the special moments, the final product is amazing. The way they use color turns a great picture to an amazing picture. Now don't forget about their Black and White's, every detail pops in them. They have a very good eye for envisioning a shot and capturing the emotion of the day.

Check out some of their engagement and wedding pics:

I love the colors, especially how the sky is so blue (look at the best man with the ring box)
I really love the detail shots

October 27, 2009

2010 Wedding Package Contest

To finish up the year, we are having a contest for a lucky couple becoming one in 2010 to win a free wedding planning package! The package being offered includes monthly updates, in-person and phone consultations, wedding day coordination, and budget guidance (valued at $1,000).

To enter the contest, submit a letter to info@onlyinyourdreamsplanning.com answering the 3 following questions: 1) How the couple met, 2) How the couple got engaged, and 3) Why should the couple win the free wedding package. Also, include a photo of the lovely couple, wedding date and location.

The deadline for submission is December 20, 2009. Once all of the couples have been submitted, voting will take place between December 21, 2009 and December 31, 2009. The winners will be announced on January 1, 2010.

Enter Now!!!